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Eurispes: the Italians are Rediscovering the Mediterranean Diet

Made in Italy lovers, careful to labels and always more vegan: that’s the portrait of the Italians according to the Italy Report 2107 presented by Eurispes the last 26th January. According to the research institute, 74% of the consumers prefer to buy Italian products, and more than a half of them affirms to buy really often Dop, Igp and Doc certified products.

A lot of attention also towards seasonal food, that the 80% of the people interviewed prefers, and for the local one, that about 60% of the people prefers, while almost 40% of the consumers regularly buys organic products[1].

Good news that prove that Italy is rediscovering some key ingredients of the Mediterranean diet like cereals, fruit and vegetables, olive oil and legumes.

After all, the Mediterranean diet doesn’t only nourish our body, but also our brain, slowing down the ageing process. The demonstration comes from a recent research from the University of Edinburgh, published on the magazine Neurology, that demonstrated that the brain of elderly following this diet shrinks less in comparison to those who follow a different type of diet[2].

According to another research from Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute in Barcelona, published on the magazine Circulation[3], the Mediterranean diet, enriched by one of the key element, the olive oil, would also be extremely good for our heart. Adding this precious dressing (four tablespoons a day are enough) to the other ingredients of the diet, mainly composed of fruit and vegetables, will in fact contribute to increase the protective effects of good cholesterol (Hdl), that reduces the risk of heart diseases and ictuses.

That’s the reason why Probios offers a wide selection of vegetarian products, with Italian grown raw materials, like the cooked or dry organic legumes, most of them gluten free guaranteed, and a series of condiments, from extra virgin olive oils to seed oils.

For those of you who don’t want to give up to seasonal veggies, there are the products from Il Nutrimento: traditional recipes made with organic veggies, all of them vegetarian or vegan guaranteed, most of them gluten free and certified by AIC.


[1]FONTE Il Fatto Alimentare