With Probios, pasta has a whole new flavour: new ready-to-use nickel-free sauce with basil and with chilli.
Sizzle them in a pan for a couple minutes and get ready to season your pasta! The new ready-to-use sauces with basil and with chilli are nickel free and made with organic tomatoes. Quality from farm to fork!
Two new launches that are a great tasty alternative to the plain tomato passata. They’re ready to use and prepared according the mediterranean taste, but with no nickel.
The basil sauce is rich in flavour and delicate, the chilli one is for those who prefer a distinctive, lightly spicy pasta dressing. Both are made with 100% Italian tomatoes processed within 3 days from harvest; what’s more, they are certified to be nickel free with lab tests on each batch.
Tomatoes are planted by selecting a land where nickel concentration is naturally low, they are hand picked and processed within a few hours from harvest. Instead of the usual hydroponic cultivation, generally used to guarantee nickel free tomatoes, we are able to grow our tomatoes in a special soil with low demographic and industrial concentration, to reduce the pollution at the minimum.
With this secret, Probios tomatoes can bring to the table the quality and the flavours, with a special eye on the dietary wellness. These sauces are your best buddies to make a quick lunch, to welcome last-minute guests for dinner and also the secret weapon for those who are not into home cooking. Not only they are a genuine ingredient, but also suitable for everyone’s dietary need.
Do you want to take it to the next level? Have fun preparing the traditional Mediterranean recipes with our other products from the nickel-free range! Besides the traditional nickel-free tomato passata, we are also offering yellow tomato passata, whole yellow and red tomatoes in glass, and passata with whole tomatoes. Master the art of pizza and surprise your friends with a nickel free Pizza Margherita or make a Focaccia with nickel free red and yellow tomatoes!
The nickel-free range is definitely a must for Probios, which has been always careful to the needs of every consumer and that also chose to support those who cannot eat nickel-dense food. Thanks to our R&D team, our range of nickel-free products includes everything you need to make masterpieces with your food.