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Summer has arrived! Let’s make food our ally against excessive heat


We've been waiting for months (never like this year) and finally the summer has arrived! June 21 marks the beginning of the longed-for summer, the most awaited and desired season, which brings sun, fun, relaxation and hot... so hot! Precisely for this reason, summer is the right time to lighten a little our diet, choosing low-fat foods and above all taking advantage of the richness in vitamins and minerals of seasonal fruit and vegetables.
Don't worry, the heat and the good weather favor good habits: in good weather long walks are more willingly done, with high temperatures generally the appetite decreases and fortunately the summer delights us with fruit and vegetables rich in vitamins, minerals salts and especially water, useful substances to counteract water retention and swelling and to support the body in hot weather. All types of vegetables are suitable for enriching the diet, trying to constantly change it so as not to bore the guests and to obtain complete "supplies" with the necessary elements for full metabolic efficiency (let’s prepare the dishes with imagination, varying the foods also in colors: food color is given by substances with antioxidant action such as vitamins and polyphenols, the more the colors vary, the more complete is their intake!).
So far so good, but broadening the discussion to daily eating habits it’s appropriate to adopt some precautions: first, be careful not to fall into the trap of the so-called "empty foods", ready or quick to eat, that satisfy the palate but are lacking real nutrients.
Let's see some rules to make food an ally against the summer heat:
  1. Yes to seasonal fruits and vegetables, to be eaten especially raw, as long as they’re organic: if the fruit and vegetables are cultivated using natural methods, they can be eaten without removing the skin as a precaution, that is rich in important dietary substances. If you are a tanning fan, you should know that vitamins and other substances contained in fruits and vegetables are the best allies for tanning and protecting the skin from the harmful effects of the sun.
  2. Limit as much as possible low digestible foods, which excessively engage the digestive system and the organism as a whole, such as "rich" and very elaborate dishes.
  3. It’s preferable to opt for 2-3 light meals during the day, interspersed with snacks, instead of large meals.
  4. Drink a lot, even without thirst, to compensate for the loss of liquids that the heat causes.
  5. Start off the day on the right foot: breakfast is the most important meal of the day, it gives slow-release energy throughout the morning, avoiding sudden hunger peaks often calmed with sugary or fat-rich snacks. Even for those who do not suffer from lactose intolerance, Probios for the summer recommends the consumption of soy, rice and oat drinks instead of milk, to be combined with fresh and dried fruit (rich in mineral salts, fibers and vitamins), wholegrain cereals and refreshing drinks such as smoothies or infusions. Cereals are a must-have for summer breakfasts, rich in iron, vitamins, zinc and folic acid (even at lunch with barley, spelt and rice to be preferred over pasta).
  6. Reduce the consumption of processed foods and beverages or prefer those that preserve organoleptic and nutritional characteristics (try the Probios juice and smoothies line only with fruit sugars).
  7. Pay a lot of attention to food preservation: in summer the bacterial proliferation increases and this implies a greater perishability of foods.
Have a great summer by Probios!