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The Italians’ Diet: How it Changed

As the German philosopher Feuerbach said, “We are what we eat”: our diet has in fact always been influenced by economical and social reasons, from the availability of food, from our values and our spirituality. That’s the reason why our food habits changed and evolved according to the different historical periods and its consequences.

Italians’ habits, just as the society itself, are going through an actual revolution: the changes become evident when we analyze the statistics about food consumptions, a true demonstration of a Country that changes and transforms itself a lot faster than it did in the past.
Whereas on one hand the direct sales methods are gaining more attention, on the other hand the loyalty towards the Mass Retail is growing, considering that Italians rely on supermarkets and private labels for almost 20% of their food shopping.

According to the new food trends, the connection with the territory is growing: there’s always more interest towards local and sustainable products and the consumption of pasta and bread, two of the main ingredients of the Mediterranean diet, is growing to almost half a kilo per day.

Food that is bought, but also widely produced at home. From a few years indeed, we are more conscious about food preparations at home, as shown by the sudden growth of TV programs that see both famous chefs and amateurs as protagonists.
On its side, Probios offers a wide range of preparations. For bread, pizza and flat breads, you can choose between organic Italian rice flour, source of fibers and gluten-free guaranteed, or the buckwheat and sorghum one, two ingredients that give the flour a rougher flavor and make it a good source of fibers, naturally gluten-free. Same for cakes and biscuits: a rice alternative from Rice&Rice, a buckwheat and sorghum one from Altri Cereali.

Moreover, Italians are more interested in the ethical and environmental aspects of food, and, even though they keep thinking about saving money, they recognize the value of organic, eco-sustainable and fair-trade products.
To answer those needs, Probios keeps choosing 100% italian products and raw materials, guaranteed and controlled, to respect the wellness of the people and the environment. After all, Italian agriculture is the most “green” of Europe, with the higher count of organic companies, the prohibition to use OGM and 281 Registered Designation of Origin (DOP and IGP) products.[1]
[1]SOURCE Libero Quotidiano