- - 16 bigne
- - 300 grams of broccoli
- - 230 g of soft cheese
- - 1 handful of pine nuts
- - 1 clove of garlic
- - 1 piece of chili pepper
- - Extra virgin olive oil
- - Sea salt
- Boil the florets for about 10 minutes in plenty of lightly salted water and then drain well.
- Saute in a pan the whole garlic clove along with the chili and 2 tablespoons oil. Add the broccoli and sauté for a few minutes then transfer them in a tight and long container. Take out the garlic and mash it with an eletric processor.
- Mix the mashed broccoli, warm or cold, with the Robiola. Work the mixture well with a fork, check for salt and pepper. Then transfer it into a pastry bag with a plain tip.
- Cut the top cap of the bigne. If necessary, remove the crumb inside and then fill with the mousse. Decorate with a few pine nuts previously golden in a hot frying pan, cover them with their cap and serve.