Prep time:
- - 1 bunch of chives
- - 1 lemon
- - 2 avocado
- - 12 cherry tomatoes
- - 1 melon
- - 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
- - salt
- Wash and dry the chives. Keep some of them aside and chop the rest with a scissors. Squeeze the juice of the lemon. Wash and peel the avocado.
- Divide the avocado in half, removing the central core. Slice it, moisten with lemon juice, put it in the blender with a pinch of salt, chives and olive oil.
- Blend all the ingredients until you obtain a smooth cream. Season with salt and store in the fridge. Divide the tomatoes into 4-6 segments, empty them from seeds and toss with a pinch of salt.
- Wash and dry the melons. Starting from the central stalk of the fruit cut in half lengthwise, cutting a oval slice about 5 inches thick. Remove the seeds inside.
- Cut out part of the pulp inside the slice to create a round hole. Eliminate with a boxcutter the outer peel and slice the cream fill with cold avocado cream.
- Spread on the cream of avocado slices of tomatoes and melon pulp reduced into small balls with a melon baller. Decorate with chives and serve.