Prep time:
Cooking time:
- - 120g Probios’ millet
- - 4 tomatoes
- - 100g cherry tomatoes
- - 1 cucumber
- - a quarter yellow bell pepper
- - 40g raisins
- - 1 teaspoon minced parsley
- - 40g extra virgin olive oil
- - 20g lemon juice
- - 5g balsamic vinegar
- - salt
- Pour 350ml water in a pan, add the millet and bring to boil. Cover with a lid and let is simmer for 15-20minutes until the water absorbs completely and the millet starts sticking to the pan. Remove from the stove, cover for 5 minutes and transfer the millet on a tray to let it cool down quicker.
- Soak the raisins with lukewarm water for a few minutes (while the millet is still cooking), then sqeeze it and mince it. Thinly chop the cucumber, bell pepper and cherry tomatoes too.
- Cut the upper part of the bigger tomatoes and remove the pulp with a spoon. Season them with a pinch of salt and drain them on a grill for 5 minutes.
- Prepare the seasoning blending the oil with the vinegar, the parsley, the lemon juice and a pinch of salt.
- Process the cashews with 50g water, the oil, the basil, the lemon juice and some salt.
- Fluff the millet out with your hands, then season it and add the veggies and raisins. Use this mixture to fill the tomatoes in and season with the cashew pesto.