- Boil the rice for 10 minutes in salted water and, just before it is ready, put to boil the milk.
- Drain the rice and pour in the boiling milk.
- Add the sugar, keep aside a spoon, and the grated rind of half a lemon.
- Cook over low heat, stirring frequently, until the milk is completely absorbed by the rice (about 20 minutes).
- Turn off, let cool, add the candied fruit, a knob of butter, egg yolk, flour and mix.
- Whip the egg whites until stiff and add it gently to the rice mixture.
- Grease and sprinkle with sugar four small molds or a pudding mold.
- Fill them for three quarters and bake at 160-170 ° C in a water bath for 20 minutes.
- Let cool and refrigerate until ready to serve.
- Grate the zest of the lemons and squeeze them.
- Collect the juice in a saucepan, add the zest, egg, sugar and softened butter, mix and cook, stirring frequently, until it begins to boil.
- Turn off, pass the cream through a sieve and let it cool to room temperature.
- Pour a bit on the plates, turn over the puddings and decorated with pine nuts.