Prep time:
Cooking time:
- - 150 g basmati rice
- - 150 g of cheese
- - 3 carrots
- - 3 zucchini
- - 2 stalks of celery
- - 10 cherry tomatoes
- - 100 g black olives
- - 1 bunch of basil
- - 0.50 lemons, juice
- - 4 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
- - salt
- Put the rice in a saucepan, cover with water and bring to a boil; at this point lightly salt it and cook over high heat until the liquid is completely absorbed. Transfer it into a bowl and let cool
- Cut into thin slices 2 carrots, zucchini and celery, then cook in the steam for a few minutes, leaving them crisp
- Add to the rice the tomatoes that you divided into wedges, steamed vegetables into small pieces and season with olive oil, lemon juice, chopped basil and a pinch of salt. Cover the salad and let stand in a cool place for 2 hours