Prep time:
Cooking time:
- 300 g buckwheat
- 2 pears
- 200 g Taleggio cheese
- 40 g pine nuts
- 40 g butter
- 1 white onion
- 1 bunch of parsley
- 1,8 l vegetal broth
- cooked chard [boiled in distilled water without salt added]
- pepper
- Cut and finely chop the parsley leaves. Keep them aside. Toast the pine nuts in a pan gently and set aside.
- Rinse the buckwheat in a colander until the maceration water is clear. Drain it well and keep it aside.
- Finely chop the onion and put it to stew gently in a saucepan with high sides with half of the butter so that it fades without taking color. Add the buckwheat, increase the heat and toast for about a minute, until it starts to friction at the bottom. Cook as for a normal risotto, adding a ladle of boiling broth at a time and stirring until it’s absorbed (do not pour more broth before the previous one has been absorbed).
- Remove petiole and seeds from the pears, leave the peel, and cut into cubes. Pour into a pan with the remaining butter and sauté for about 5 minutes to soften them. Add salt and pepper lightly.
- Add ¾ of the pears after 15 minutes of buckwheat cooking, then continue for another 5-8 minutes or until the grain is well cooked.
- Chop the Taleggio into cubes and add 1/3 to the buckwheat just removed from the heat, stirring well to make it melt completely. Season with parsley (keeping a little to decorate the dish), a sprinkling of pepper (salt only if necessary) and add the pears kept aside.
- Divide the buckwheat risottato in holsters and sprinkle with the remaining Taleggio. Complete with a sprinkling of parsley, pepper and pine nuts. Serve immediately.