Prep time:
Cooking time:
- - 500 g of tofu
- - 3 onions
- - 2 lemons
- - 100 ml of white wine vinegar
- - Wheat flour type 00
- - Peppercorns
- - Peanut oil
- Squeeze the lemon and pour the juice into a bowl, preferably of ceramic; add the vinegar, peppercorns and 2 tablespoons of olive oil.
- Dip the sliced onions and the for the lenght sliced tofu into the marinade. Let marinate for 6 hours, turning occasionally.
- Carefully drain tofu from the marinade and pat it dry with paper towels. Drain the onions well.
- Move the slices of tofu in flour, remove excess flour and brown them for 10 minutes over medium heat in a pan with 3 tablespoons of olive oil. Lift the tofu and, in the same pan, pour the marinated onions, let them cook for 5 minutes, add the tofu and golden sprayed everything with the marinade. Continue cooking, in a covered pot for 10 minutes over low heat.
- Serve with yassa rice l prepared this way: heat 2 tablespoons of peanut oil in a pan, then add the equivalent of 4 coffee cups of rice and toast for a few minutes. Pour 8 coffee cups of hot water and boil for 15-20 minutes (times may vary depending on the type of rice). Remove from the heat and, after a few minutes of rest, birng the rice on the table in a separate bowl.