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10 Tricks to Be in Perfect Shape for Christmas

During Christmas time the number on the scale doesn’t only swing because of the lunches and dinners, but also because we tend to nibble continuously, we drink a little bit too much and we don’t  do sports. To limit the damages and prepare our body at its best, during the weeks before Christmas, it’s important during the to pay more attention to what we are eating.

If you want to get ready for the holidays, here are some easy tricks[1] to follow a natural and nutritious diet without giving up to taste.

  • Remember to drink: especially in the morning and gradually reducing the intakes, because it helps to reduce bloating and water retention.

  • Quick lunch: it’s ok to have one portion of whole grain cereals and to combine them with seasonal veggies: easy, quick and nutritious. Experiment with spelt, quinoa, amaranth, buckwheat and rediscover the pleasures of the traditional natural kitchen.

  • Exotic flavors: pineapples are easy to find on the market benches, and they’re one of the most appreciated food in this period. Rich in vitamin C, pineapple is perfect for breakfast or as a snack. Try also the pineapple and ginger jam from Probios, with no added sugars and all the authentic flavors of seasonal fruits.

  • 7 condiments: the secret to stay in shape is to have an eye on the right condiment. In this period, to dreesings, prefer a couple tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil. From the Natura Toscana line, Probios proposes the IGP extra virgin Tuscan olive oil. Made from olives harvested in the countryside of Vinci (FI), this oil is produced just with the mechanical pressing of the olives and it has a vibrant dark green color, with an intense flavor that is typical of the Tuscan oils. Ideal to season raw vegetables or main dishes, and perfect to prepare bruschettas.

  • I’m hungry! – often, we use to come back home tired and hungry, and we don’t want to spend time to cook. Play in advance: the day before, soak a selection of cereals and cook a natural and nutritious soup. Thanks to Probios, you can choose between buckwheat, oats, barley, amaranth, quinoa and spelt.


[1]SORCE: Tgcom24;